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​Yom Kippur falls in the Hebrew Calendar on 10 Tishrei.


  • Yom Kippur (translated as "Day of Atonement") is the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. During Yom Kippur, we dedicate our mind, body, and soul to forgiveness and reconciliation with our fellow human beings, ourselves, and God. We go through the process of teshuvah (repentance) when we reflect on our actions toward those whom we have wronged, acknowledge the pain we have caused them, and work toward change.


  • Customs here at Temple Tiferet Shalom include:

    • Gathering in the sanctuary for services

    • Fasting from food and water

    • Teshuvah

    • Having our children join together on the bimah for the final portion services

    • Breaking the fast at the conclusion of the Neilah service

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