Mission Statement
The mission of Temple Tiferet Shalom Sisterhood is to bring together a diverse group of women who observe and promote Jewish values and traditions in our Temple.
We enrich our lives through educational and spiritual programming, social events, fundraising and community service. We enhance and strengthen the quality of Temple life by collaborating on projects, and supporting our Religious School and our youth.
We appreciate the friendship, energy, and participation that our Sisterhood members provide for each other.
The Sisterhood of TTS affiliates itself with the Women of Reform Judaism.
What we support
B'nai Mitzvah gifts, Consecration and Confirmation gifts, Purim celebration Chanukah goody bags for our Religious School and Preschool, Yom Kippur Break Fast, Social Action events, the Building Fund and multiple charities
Our Temple Community in general
What we do
Sisterhood Shabbat. Fundraising Events. Social Activities, Game Nights, Monthly Book Club, Social Action, Learning Opportunities, member of Women of Reform Judaism and so much more...
Sisterhood Board
President Rebecca Yazel
Vice Presidents Laurie Hymanson Beth Simons
Recording Secretary Ellen Marder
Treasurer Geri Guralnick
Board Members Lois Afrow Sheree Beecoff Wendy Gilman
Tania Helhoski Jill Stelman. Rachel Zalvan