Rosh haShanah falls in the Hebrew calendar on 1 Tishrei.
Rosh HaShanah (translated as "Head of the Year") is the Jewish New Year. Rosh haShanah is a time when the entire community gathers in prayer, self-reflection, and t'shuvah (repentance). Through prayer, music, and learning, we review our actions during the past year, and we look for ways to improve ourselves, our temple, and our world in the year to come.
Customs here at Temple Tiferet Shalom include:
Gathering in the sanctuary for Day 1 services
Going to Willowdale Estate in Topsfield for Day 2 services and a walk through nature
Sounding the shofar
Eating round challah
Tasting apples and honey to symbolize the sweetness of the year ahead
Conducting Tashlich, a symbolic casting off our sins at Crystal Lake in West Peabody